Htee Kaw kee student network group short history

Posted by Ka Shee on Sunday, September 2, 2012 | 0 comments

We hteekawkee student network group was foundedin 1996 at mission high school. The founder was saw law pla min, and heselected a group of people as the executive committee who manages the daily affairs and maintains its functionality.

The first leader of Htee Kaw Kee wereSaw Gay Nay Htoo and saw SharPla Min. This is the first network group among the KSNGsothe KNU leader did not know this organization, its objective, andits activity. At first most of the leader of KNUdid not allow with us to foundHtee Kaw Kee student network group, because they worried thatthere would be following-up problems for them.

At that time the executive committee had to meet with the local leader and to report every of our activities, aims and objectives. In this way, they got clear what we were doing and they started to encourage and facilitate our work. After Saw Gay Nay Htoo and saw SharPla Min,Thara mu Paw LahSoe was promoted as the new leader.At that same time there were a lot of conflicts surrounding DKBAand SPDC. They came to our area and persecuted us.So we were afraid of that very much and then we had to leave our area and to move to other places. Werun very toughlyin the jungle for many monthsand in theend we took refuge at Noh Poe camp.

When we fled around like this, the daily functioning of our organization was stopped for a few months. The first time we were relocated innoh Poe camp TharaSher Nay Taw controlled it and after one year they organized an election in Noh Poe camp so the new leader of hteekawkeecould start to manage this organization again.

In 1998 hteekawkee congress majority election was held and the person who won the election was saw Ra Ah. Therefore Saw Ra Ah took the hold ofhteekawkee student network group from 1998 to 1999. After thara Saw Ra Ah, saw Eh Tha Yu and NawPwoPwowere in office from 1999 to 2002

Saw Eh Tha Yu
Naw Chi Mu Paw

Saw HtooKler
Saw Htoo Lay

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