What is KSNG?

Posted by Anonymous on Monday, June 4, 2012 | 0 comments

KSNG, Karen Student Network Group was formed in July 6th, 1996, on the assumption that students and youths must play a key role in achieving a free and democratic Burma and must be prepared as the future leaders. Since then, KSNG has been working on the solidarity and empowerment of Karen youths by organizing various activities and providing crucial services

KSNG is one of the first Karen student organizations in history to organize youth into one large network group, instead of fragmented and isolated groups. Today, the KSNG comprises ten student-working groups with a membership of over 3,000 students, and operates along the Thai-Burmese border. Most of the KSNG members live in the Karen refugee camps, while some live in Thailand and abroad.
KSNG believes that justices are important for peace in Burma. KSNG believes that justice means equality in all aspects of gender, economic, ethnic rights, polities and social.

Our mission is to create better understanding among Karen student and youths for united political goals and objectives, so they will be prepared to lead the Karen people towards an united, democratic, non-racist, non-sexist, and prosperous Burma.

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